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Press - Factory Farming
Downed Cow
Hillandale Farms undercover investigation media b-roll 10-min
Hillandale Farms undercover investigation media b-roll 2 min
UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATION: Costco Egg Supplier, Media B-Roll
Spent Hen Investigation - Media b-roll
B-roll of Kentucky pig farm
Catelli Bros - Calf Slaughter Investigation, B-Roll
Aerial Factory Farm Broll
Tyson Foods Pork Supplier Exposé B-Roll
Kreider Farms B-roll
Gestation Crate B-roll
Broiler Chickens B-roll
Oklahoma Pig investigation B-Roll
Undercover at Smithfield Foods B-roll
Cal-Maine Investigation B-roll
Iowa Egg Investigation B-roll
Iowa Pig Slaughterhouse
Veal Investigation, Part 1
Euthanasia of Downed Cow at Auction
Downed Cows
Downed Cow
Pig Gestation crates
Downed Cows - New Investigation
Downed Cow Enters Kill Box
Veal Calves
Michael Foods
Downed Farm Animals
Live Bird Market
Live Bird Markets, pt. 2
Free Range Chicken B-roll
McArthur Dairy Farm B-roll