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Press - Animal Rescue
Sled Dog Rescue B-Roll
Puerto Rico Spayathon Event
Hurricane Harvey: Animal Rescue Team rescues animals from flooding (additional footage)
Hurricane Harvey: Animal Rescue Team rescues animals from flooding
B-roll of shelter animal transport in aftermath of Hurricane Harvey
B-roll of shelter animal transport in aftermath of Hurricane Harvey
Habersham County, Georgia Animal Rescue Broll
SC flooding rescue broll
NC puppy mill rescue broll — September 26, 2016
Piper Follow-Up - Media Footage
Louisiana Flooding - Animal Rescue Team b-roll
Gallia County, Ohio dog cruelty rescue; media b-roll
Jefferson County, Arkansas Animal Rescue Broll
Madison Co. Arkansas Puppy Mill B-Roll
Ohio Animal Neglect Case - media b-roll
HSUS NY Gala - sound bites for media
HSUS NY Gala - Red Carpet b-roll/sound bites
HSUS Deploys Team in Response to Hurricane Joaquin
South Korean Dog Meat Farm Closes - Media Footage
Animal Rescue in Chatham County, NC
Dogs Rescued from Suspected WV Dogfighting Operation- Media Footage B-Roll
WV Horse Rescue Broll
Humane Society International Nepal Rescues Media B-Roll
SC Cockfighting Rescue B-Roll Media Footage 3,30, 2015
South Korea Rescue Dogs Come to the US - B-roll
South Korea Dog Meat Farm Rescue - B-roll
Suspected Puppy Mill - Randolph County, Arkansas
Dogs Rescued from Suspected Cruelty Situation in Alabama; Media b-roll
South Korea Rescue Dogs Come to DC, Media b-roll
Seoul, South Korea Dog Meat Rescue -- Media b-roll
Sequatchie County, Tennessee Animal Rescue b-roll
MS Puppy Mill Rescue Broll
Rutherford County, NC Animal Rescue b-roll
Tiger habitat - media b-roll 8/12/14
Mississippi Cruelty Case Broll
Yulin Puppy Arrives in United States
Arkansas Puppy Mill Rescue B-roll
Dogs Rescued from Fayette County, Ala. - Media B-roll
Suspected Covington County, Ala. Cockfight Ring Raided - Media B-Roll
NC animal cruelty b-roll
HSI Philippines Response Media B-Roll Footage
Media b-roll: North Carolina Puppy Mill Rescue
White County, Arkansas. Animal Rescue Media B-Roll
Animal Hell In Mississippi
Mississippi animal cruelty b-roll
Mississippi Puppy Mill Rescue B-roll
Tennessee Walking Horses Rescued - Broll
Ohio Animal Rescue B-roll
Sampson County, N.C. Puppy Mill Rescue B-roll
Hurricane Sandy Shelter B-roll
Hurricane Sandy B-roll
South Carolina puppy mill b-roll
HSUS Transports Dogs and Cats from Shelters in LA Media B-Roll Footage
Mississippi Puppy Mill Recue - Media B-Roll Footage
Tennessee Cruelty Case B-roll
Ohio Dayton Veterinarian Checks and Emergency Shelter Media B-Roll footage Clip 3
Dayton, Ohio Bird Rescue B-roll Clip 2 -Updated
Dayton, Ohio Bird Rescue B-roll Clip 1
NC Puppy Mill Rescue B-roll
HSI/Canada and MAPAQ Rescue
Ohio Dog Fighting b-roll
B-roll of Samson the lion and Leona Lewis
Tennessee Lewisburg Dog Rescue Feb 2011 Media Footage
Roadside Zoo Rescue Tigers at Temporary Enclosures, Media B-Roll and SOTS
Tigers and other Exotic Animals Seized from Collins Zoo, MS Media B-ROLL
Collins Zoo Investigation footage, Media B-roll
Exotic Cats Rescued from NC Breeder B-Roll
Animal Rescue in Mississippi Media B-Roll Footage
Montana Puppy Mill Rescue B-roll
HSUS - To The Rescue Gala 2011
NY Cockfighting media B Roll footage
Rescue Cockfighting Shelter media B-Roll
Hawaii Donkey Rescue-broll
More Than 400 Neglected Dogs in Historic Seizure in Quebec B-Roll 2
More Than 400 Neglected Dogs in Historic Seizure in Quebec B-Roll 1
NC Puppy Mill Rescue Broll - 2009
HSUS Animal Rescue Team in NC B-Roll
Rescue Footage from Hurricane Ike and Gustav
Vermont Puppy Mill Rescue B-roll
North Carolina Puppy Mill B-roll 2011
Gainesville Florida Cat Hoarder B-roll
Arizona Rescue 2011B-roll
Alabama Animal Hoarder B-roll
Puppy Mill B-roll
Mississippi Puppy Mill 2010 B-roll
Sled Dog Rescue B-Roll